I’ve opened this site as a way of keeping you in touch with Saint Mary’s ‘for the duration’ of the Coronavirus lockdown – when all our churches have to remain closed.
Saint Mary’s may not be open, but all the services are still taking place. Early each morning I’ve been offering Holy Mass, as usual. And at the customary times each day there’s Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Rosary. I’ve also continued our Lenten practice of praying the Stations of the Cross on Fridays. Though absent physically, you are all very much with me in my prayers at these times.
I hope you’re all coping with our present difficulties. I’ve been keeping in touch with parishioners I have ‘phone numbers for. If you haven’t heard from me, it’s because I don’t have your number – and would be very glad if you made contact.
This week and last week constitute the season of ‘Passiontide’. It’s the custom here at Saint Mary’s (as it is in many churches) to veil the statues and crosses during this time. Here’s a photograph of Saint Mary’s as it looks at the moment, with statues and crosses veiled.
Today is Maundy Thursday, with its evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper and institution of the Holy Eucharist. Later today, I hope to post an article about this.